The carried-out analysis shows that, from a macrosectorial and demand side point of view, during the 2000-2010 period the final energy demand configuration in the EU remained almost unchanged. Furthermore, from a supply side point of view, it shows that, during the same period, a fuel-switching from oil to coal and gas happened, and an end-uses electrification happened. Instead the RES penetration progressed at low growth rate.
The EU is committed to cut its GHG emissions in 2050 of 80-95% in comparison to 1990. The currently implemented measures, aimed to achieve the “20-20-20” targets, are ambitious but not enough to reach the EU energy sector decarbonization, because in 2050 they allow a 40% GHG emissions cut in comparison to 1990. As foresight in the “Impact Assessment” document, developed to explain the “Energy Roadmap 2050” strategy, it is necessary a deep modification of the EU energy sector configuration, pointing to: energy efficiency, RES, nuclear, CCS. This deep modification directly affects the final energy demand: the overall absolute value should decrease, and the electricity and the RES should become the main supply energy carriers. The final energy demand reduction is, together with the fuel-switching from fossil fuels to RES, one of the main cards available to the EU to influence the global energy market and to ensure the supply security in the medium and long term. In the households and services sectors a thermal final energy demand decrease and an electric final energy demand increase are foreseen. The progressive end-uses electrification is aligned with the growth trend of electric end-uses, that is appliances and air-conditioning, mostly in the Mediterranean Europe. Also, it is aligned with the aim of exceed beyond the 20% in 2020 the RES share in gross final energy consumption, until to reach a 50% share in 2050. This aim is function of an electrical-RES widespread, mostly due to photovoltaics and onshore/offshore wind capacity installations.
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[ ] Communication from the Commission to the European parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Energy 2020 – A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy, COM(2010) 639 final, European Commission, 2010.
[ ] Communication from the Commission – Action Plan for Energy Efficiency: Realising the Potential, COM(2006) 545 final, European Commission, 2006.
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[ ] BP statistical review of world energy June 2015, British Petroleum, 2015.
[ ] Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – A Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050, COM(2011) 112 final, European Commission, 2011.
[ ] Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Energy Roadmap 2050, COM(2011) 885 final, European Commission, 2011.
[ ] Commission Staff working paper – Impact Assessment Accompanying the document: “Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Energy Roadmap 2050”, SEC (2011) 1565 final, European Commission, 2011.